Sincerely I'm saying, I believe that DBSK will win this...but the sad thing is that, thing won't be the same the same..they'll stay together..and we will always be by their side...won't we?
I will! Are you?
But things won't be like before...they will no longer be the rising god of the east...they will only be DBSK..although rising god of the east is the meaning of their name, but I'm afraid, they will only have the
I was watching 2009 Golden Disk Award last night, when I was watching SHINee introduction, my heart was beating really fast as if it will pop-out at any time if i received any shock...I can't take it..I stopped watching it...The introduction, the introduction that SHINee used that night is so DBSK..
Do you get what I mean..It is a powerful intro..that even their sunbae, Super Junior...Girls Generation weren't inroduced in such manner...Previously, only DBSK was introduced in such way.
Hence why, my heart told me, sm.ent focus right now had transfered to SHINee.. sm.ent is DBSKing SHINee... I don't know if you understand this...but thats the only way for me to explain it. All of us kept on comforting ourself by saying, it is a big lost for sm.ent to dump DBSK away.. to choose not to follow DBSK request means to reject them and sm.ent won'y do such thing as DBSK is their gold source...but I started to doubt aint a bunch of stupid people... SHINee will quickly replace DBSK...and DBSK will be forgotten by the koreans...
How i wish all this had never actually happened...How i wish i could turn back time...i'll fly to korea and warn DBSK, that this will only damage themselves...
Does this mean that i have lost my hope..NO! My answer is no...I will always stick to the 5..Will always be keeping to the faith...because I Love Them...