Friday, September 25, 2009

[ICE] Into the New World - 010909

Finally the day that I have long waited comes. The day in which I will no longer be referred as Mazliana Abdul Rahman solely, but will soon be called as Miss Mazliana or ‘cikgu’ for the rest of my life.

‘For the Rest of My Life?’ I’m not sure about that yet, as I actually dream of a better life and I have my own dream occupation. What it is? Well, you may know it, you may not! For those whom I once told you about it, consider yourself to be among the luckiest people in the world. Kekekkekee…. Naaah… I might talk about it in the future, not now, since for the time being, the main issue is the new world that I’m about to enter, in approximately less than 8 hours (current time is 12.13 a.m).

From the north bull state of Semenanjung Malaysia, Perak, I moved to the most south state in Malaysia here in Johor to start my ‘adult journey’. It is now time to learn to take care of my own responsibilities well, building relationship not only with the kids that I will teach, but the school community and the people around.

I probably won’t face any problems with the kids ‘Wow!! Confident overloaded much?’ as that was what I was trained for the rest of my 6 long dragging dreadful and bitter sweet years with the 73 others that I’m proud of, but we weren’t taught on ways to mingle with ajumma and ajushi teachers. What more when they are my super duper sunbaes that might be jealous and dislike me due to the fact that I am young yet owned better qualification and wages compared to some of them. Haaaaih…Life is hard.

For all that know who Mazliana Abdul Rahman really is, not as ICE or blackelement_ar, they will never failed to tell you that I could have been the most emotionless and unapproachable person that they have met for the rest of their life. Though that is not my case for the whole 24 7, but yeaah…most of it. So, how in the fucking world am I going to be well accepted by the school? I mean, I know, as a new person, entering somebody else’s place, I ought to be polite, humble and sweet so that people will like me despite knowing the real ‘sombong’ me. Like the infamous quote that I don’t know whom it originated from, ‘masuk kandang kambing mengembek…masuk kandang lembu….mengmooo??’. So yeaaah…kita nak masuk tempat orang la katekan…kena la bersopan santun…takkan macam penjenayah pulak…ye tak…kalau tak karang, ade je yang kena rembat ngan penyapu lidi…. Because of that, I’ve decided that I will be using my ‘ICE’ personality here. That is the most possible way for me to survive. Lets show the benefit of me being apart of DBSK fandom. If you don’t know, I am DBSK obsessed fan ‘who DBSK is?? Google it babey.’ So, being their fan which I could say that I am quite an active person in their fandom world, I do join various gatherings, forums, and make friends with all types of people from allover part of the world. As ‘ICE’ I am a cheerful and happy fangirl that actually help me in making friends with many others. Guess tomorrow and for the rest of my teaching profession years, I shall be using that identity. Maybe later…don’t know when…I will slowly show the people who this mean cold icy Mazliana really is… bwaaahahahaa…be prepared for that tragic moment.

Holding on to that character, I will soon enter the teaching profession tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be accepted well by the people and not to forget the pupils.

Also, I’m hopping that my lessons will go well, despite my current condition.


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