Friday, December 19, 2008

[EVENT] XiaH jUNsu 22nd BIrTHdaY ceLEBratiOn

To my lovely sabang, Kim Xiah Junsu;

Aaaaaah..this might be too late, since your birthday is 15 December, still i wanna wish you a very happy birthday. You're turning 22 already, thou in korea you are 23. i was kinda lazy..nooo..busy, yeah..the word is busy, promoting all over soompi, imeem and friendster, searchng as many people as i can to make the volunteey activity with malaysia national zoo a success *because we need at least 50 peole to join the activity i order to make it*, but sadly your buin here had failed to do so... waaaaaaaahahahahaa....*sobbing*. as soon as people hear it a 'working' activity many turn away... although there are quite many people who really want to do it....cant really blame them..since many of your fans are highschoolers, so its quite hard for them to get permission from their parents, since many of them are living far from the place where we planned to carry out the, i failed it....forgive me.*your buin is totally incapable of being a leader* wuhuhuuuhu

lets leave all the rant behind, and let me wish you for your birthday, since i dont know what are your wish for this birthday, but for me;

- i sincerely hope that you will be happy in any things you do, i know that being DBSK must be fulled with responsibilities, but if you do it with all your heart, you'll definitely found the happiness in may be tough, i may be hard, to certain point you might think of giving up and start doubting whether this is really the life that you want, well i dont have the answer and i have no rigt to answer it on behalf of you, but stay strong because good things will come at any times we might never expect it....

- i also wish that you'll be blessed with good health so that nothing would stop you from doing what you want and striving for your dreams...because i know, if something happened to you, the rest of the members will also emotionally sick..soo, take care of your health, because i am far and can't get to healty foods and if possible, dont eat too many fried chickens, that s full with cholestrol, not good for your lung...also, you habit of eating fast, aigoo..sabang, thats also very very very bad habit, slow down and enjoy the food slowly...the food wont run away *unless it is stole by changmin, then i cant say anything* hahahahahaahaaaaa

- i wish that dbsk will continue being a great group, loved by everyone *except the antis..* because of the talents that all of you have, because of your good personality and image, because of your kindness and love, because of your down to earth attitude although all of you are on top asia, and definitely because of the voice that sway all the heart that listens to it....all of you are definitely born to the earth to me, listening to all of you singing together, talking and laughing, crying and bragging *hahahhaaaaa*, give many people strengths and lighten the certain extend, without you knew it, all of you becoming the reason why live the life to the fullest and not willing to give up, seeing all of you working so hard, day and night, sacrificing your privacy and your life, all of us can just sit and do nothing but only listen to your voice, but we too wil work hard, for our life, with the strength that you gave us...tanx

- wishing you all the best for the coming 2009, bet many things had been planned and i'll be anticipating it.....

once again, i want to wish you, a very happy bithday.... *mmuah*

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