Wednesday, January 30, 2013

she who is afraid of love

the feeling of being love and having someone to think of, to look for
is such a beautiful feeling.
the feeling which is exclusive yet isnt hard to find
it exist in the touch of the sun, the warm feeling of glowing heat like the times when you are cold, stepping out of a room searching for some light and the sun hugs with tender warmth, makes you feel loved and cared.
the feeling of you feet waling on the soft grass, after a long tiring day of pacing here and there, in high heels, plastering pretty fake smiles on your face, enduring all the pain and agonizing desire to take the shoes off, right at the moment when your feet stepped on the weak green grass, it brings you relief and clear your clustered mind, thus you believe love is still there.
or maybe after a fiery argument and talks during a meeting, where people just say what they wanted to say, what ever crossed their mind, with one thought and believe that it is being professional and honest is the best thing, never once that they tried to think of the people who heard it and felt it, stepping out of the room, standing at the balcony, and you open your hand as wide as you can, inhaling the air into your lung, hoping to find some reason to view the world in much prettier way.
however all these feeling, they are temporary.
that lovely feeling is often too short.
that you may afraid, the moment it stop, the reality truth could be painful.

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